Could your life be happier ?
Would you like more confidence and break free from fear ?
Then you’re in the right place.
The Love Yourself Heal Your Life® 2 day retreat on September 17th & 18th in Dublin will give you the tools, knowledge and support you need to transform your life. Developed by Louise Hay, the 'Love Yourself, Heal Your Life' workshop has helped many thousands of people worldwide to make positive changes in their lives. Join us on this weekend of personal growth and wellbeing. Louise Hay's work will help you create the life you want and love. This is a practical fully interactive workshop - come prepared for transformation!
Love Yourself Heal Your Life® Retreat
What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. Louise Hay teaches that eveyone is responsible for everything in our own life.Every thought we think is creating our future.Each one of us creates our experences by our thoughts and our feelings.The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experences.We create the situations and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration.No person place or thing has any power over us, for we are the only thinkers in our mind.When we create peace and harmoney and balacne in our minds we will find it in our life.
This is about YOU, the way you are, the key influences and events in your life that have brought you to where you are now and the way you would like your life to be. The process of healing your life begins with breaking through the layers of old conditioning and beliefs about how you “should” lead your life, identifying any problem areas and clearing out emotional clutter connected with them. All that is required is a genuine desire to commit yourself to change and a series of practical steps to make those changes happen. This 2 day workshop will help you make those changes and gives you the tools for persoanl healing.
HI! I AM SARAH Lyons Body confidence coach and Heal your life® teacher
After I had my two girls I was facing a lot of challenges. Motherhood was tougher than I expected! Life had changed, my body had changed and I was questioning what I really wanted out of life. I loved being a mum but I also wanted a career and I felt very unsure of my direction. I started a few different businesses but they didn't work out and the main reason was because I didn't believe in myself .I had low self esteem and did not value myself in the world. I waited a long time for someone to come and help me but then I figured out that I was the only one who could change the way I felt .That's when I discovered self development. Having had such a transformation after body confidence coaching I decided to become a coach myself so I could help others. This led me to become a Heal Your Life® teacher
Louises Hay’s book had sat on my shelf for over 20 years but during the past two years I became drawn to it and her teachings. It is my privilege now to share it with you . The two day workshop retreat is a transforaminal weekend filled with love and forgiveness. It has changed my life for the better and it can do the same for you.
during the workshop you will

Identify and transform negitive beliefs

Release anger ,fear, guilt and old emotions

Learn techniques for personal healing

Experience a fuller understanding of the power of self love

Practice mirror work , visulaizations and affirmations

Identify and welcome in more of what you desire in your life

Become more aware of the mind body connection

Sarah is amazing! She is one of those rare coaches that are both inspirational and relatable at the same time. I felt like I could trust her with anything and she really helped me see things differently and make some amazing changes in my life. If you haven't done the 2 day workshop yet, I highly recommend it. I have done many coaching programs, but nothing compares to the transformation I experienced within those 2 days. Thank you Sarah.

Sarah has a genuine warmth and kindness that is felt as soon as you meet her. She enables you to feel totally safe whilst providing you with her wealth of knowledge. Thank you Sarah for helping me move forward when feeling stuck ❤️ Don’t wait to do the 2 day workshop, do it now, it’s truly amazing.

Sarah is a breath of fresh air to work with. She has a wonderful natural ability to put you at ease and support you on all levels that you need through her coaching work. I’m blessed to have crossed paths with Sarah xxxx

early bird tickets available until September 1st
Places are limited so book now

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